
Streamline your patient management with lightning-fast efficiency using HospiSearch

HospiSearch is a desktop app for managing hospital/clinic patients’ particulars, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). HospiSearch can also help you complete your patient management tasks faster than traditional GUI apps, regardless of your typing speed.

Our target audience is hospital and clinical administrative staff who deal with the management of large physical patient records and seek a more efficient and streamlined solution. Our app provides them with the ability to add, edit, delete, filter patient records and so much more.

About this Guide

The purpose of this user guide document is to provide staff with a clear understanding of the features and benefits of HospiSearch. The guide aims to assist users in effectively utilizing HospiSearch’s features to streamline their patient management tasks and improve overall efficiency.

:information_source: Note: Messages in this format are important!

Messages in this format include information that may be useful to the user.

Table of Contents:


  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest HospiSearch.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for HospiSearch.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar hospisearch.jarcommand to run the application.


  • For Mac Users:
    1. Click on the Finder icon in the Dock (the bar of icons at the bottom of the screen).
    2. Click on Applications in the left-hand sidebar.
    3. Open the Utilities folder.
    4. Double-click on the Terminal application to launch the command terminal.
  • For Windows Users:
    1. Click on the Start button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
    2. Type command prompt into the search bar.
    3. Click on the Command Prompt application that appears in the search results to launch the command terminal.

A GUI similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

  1. Type in a command in the command box to execute it. Some commands to try:
    1. help opens up the help menu.
  2. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

Note: HospiSearch is compatible with Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu.

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GUI Information


Command Prefixes

Patient Record Field Prefix
Date Of Birth dob/
Name n/
Phone p/
Gender g/
Doctor ad/
Email e/
Address a/
Tag t/
Drug Allergy d/
Medicine m/
Backup description b/

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  • Input words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Commands in square brackets are optional. e.g. n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Commands separated by | within () suggest that only one of the commands must be present to be valid.

  • Items with after them can be used multiple times, including zero. e.g., [t/TAG] …​ can be used (i.e. 0 or more times), t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order. e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored. e.g., if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

:information_source: Note: All commands from this point onwards are to be executed in lower case. E.g., find is valid, but FIND or FinD is considered as invalid. Keywords following commands do not need to be in lower case.

Adding a patient record: add

Let’s say a patient is visiting your clinic for the first time! Use the add command to add the patient records to the record list.


:information_source: Note: Do take note which patient fields are optional.

The drug allergies field is required however if the patient you are registering does not have any drug allergies, type in NKDA(No Known Drug Allergies)
A patient can have any number of tags and medicine (including 0).
A patient can leave out the email prefix should they not want to share it.


  • add i/T0012345A n/John Doe dob/20/12/2000 p/98765432 a/John street, block 123, #01-01 d/NKDA g/male ad/Alex t/Diabetic m/Lantus
  • add i/T0012345B n/Betsy Crowe dob/18/12/1998 p/1234567 a/Newgate Prison d/Panadol g/female ad/Shannon e/ t/Dyslexic


Above is the execution result of the input add i/S1234567H n/Cedric Pei dob/03/04/2002 p/84655284 a/PGPR g/male d/NKDA ad/Shannon t/Diabetic m/Lantus m/Soliqua.

Editing a patient record: edit

Let’s say a patient has moved to a different address or undergone significant changes in their medical history. Use the edit command to edit their personal particulars.


:information_source: Note: Only include the prefixes for the specific patient field you would like to edit.

You can remove all the patient’s tags/medicine by typing t/ or m/ respectively, without specifying any tags/medicine after it.


  • edit 1 p/91234567 e/ edit the phone number and email address of the patient at index 1 to be 91234567 and respectively.


Above is the execution result of the input edit 7 i/G0000000A.

Viewing a patient detailed particulars: view

To reduce clutter, we have placed the more in-depth information of a patient in the view panel to the right of the patient list. Use the view command to view these additional details of a patient.

Format : view i/NRIC

:information_source: Note: For other commands, the view pane will show the particulars of the first patient in our system by default. But after ADD or EDIT command, the view pane will show the corresponding patient’s particulars.


  • view i/G0000000A shows detailed information about the patient on the view pane.


Above is the execution result of the input view i/S1234567H.

💡Tip: Double-clicking on a patient achieves the same result!

Deleting a patient record: delete

Let’s say you have found an unintended duplicate in the patient records. You can delete this erroneous data using the delete command.

Format: delete i/NRIC…​

:information_source: Note: If multiple deletes are made in a single command, undo command will not undo all deletes made, but only one at a time.


  • delete i/S1234567A deletes the patient with NRIC S1234567A from patient records system.

Filtering patients by attribute: find

Let’s say you want to filter for specific patients quickly during a busy shift. You can use the find command to search for patients based on their name, age, medical condition, or any other relevant criteria.

Command Prefixes that can be searched:

  • name(n/)
  • nric(i/)
  • tag(t/)
  • doctor(ad/)
  • medicine(m/)

Format: find (n/NAME | i/NRIC | t/TAG | ad/DOCTOR | m/MEDICINE ) [MORE_KEYWORDS]

:information_source: Note: find searches by complete strings and not substrings. The search will only be carried out for one given attribute.
:information_source: Note: The search is case-insensitive. The order of the keywords does not matter.

Examples (The following results are based of the sample data provided):

  • find n/john returns John Lim and John Doe who both contain the name John in their names.
  • find n/yu bernice returns Bernice Yu as the order of keywords does not matter
  • find i/S0078957G returns Alice Tan who has an NRIC of S0078957G.
  • find t/Diabetic Osteoporotic returns all persons with the tag Diabetic or Osteoporotic or both.
  • find ad/Shannon returns all persons with attending doctor Shannon.


Above is the execution result of the input find ad/Alex.

Listing all patients: list

You can use this feature to get a list of all patients in the records.

Format: list

:information_source: Note: List returns the entire current database that you have loaded.

After filtering for specific patients, you can view all patients by using the list command.


Above is the execution result of the input list.

Backing up patient records: backup

Let’s say you want to safekeep your current data for future reference. You can use the backup command to save the patient records to a specified slot represented by an index and add a description for the backup.

Format: backup INDEX_NO [b/DESCRIPTION]

Backing up without a description will leave the description field empty.

Format: backup INDEX_NO [b/DESCRIPTION]


  • backup 3 b/Test backups the data to the 3rd slot with description ‘Test’.
:information_source: Note:: INDEX_NO can only be an integer between 1 and 10


Above is the execution result of the input backup 1.

Loading data: load

In the event of a data loss, you can load the backup data from a specified slot represented by an index.

:information_source: Note: Allows access to a specific backup.

Format: load INDEX_NO


  • load 3 loads the data from the 3rd slot.

Viewing backup data: viewbackups

You can use this feature to shows all the data you have backed up.

Format: viewbackups

You can exit the backups page by typing the command list.


Above is the execution result of the input viewbackups.

Deleting backup data: deletebackup

You can use this feature to delete the backup data from a specified slot represented by an index.

:information_source: Note: Deleted backups cannot be retrieved after deletion.

Format: deletebackup INDEX_NO


  • deletebackup 3 deletes the data from the 3rd slot.

Clearing all data: clear

Purges all data from the database.

:information_source: Note: Data cannot be retrieved after clearing. Use this command with caution.

Format: clear


Above is the execution result of the input clear.

Undoing previous command: undo

Let’s say you have made an error when editing or deleting patient records. You can use this command to revert the patient records to the state before the previous command was executed.

Format: undo

:information_source: Note: The initial starting state will be upon launch of HospiSearch application. Undo can be executed up to the initial starting state.


Changing the name of a patient above edit 6 n/John Balakrishnan (Previously Roy Balakrishnan)


And above is the execution of undo

Redoing previous undo: redo

Let’s say you have accidentally removed the changes you made. You can use this command to revert the patient records to the state before the previous undo was executed.

:information_source:Note: Redo can only be executed if undo command has been executed.

Format: redo


Following the above example for undo, redo would subsequently change the name of the patient again.

Switching to light mode: light

Switches the GUI to light mode. This mode is preferred during daytime as it allows for better visibaility.

Format: light


Above is the execution result of the input light.

Switching to dark mode: dark

Switches the GUI to dark mode. This mode is preferred at night as it reduces strain to the eyes.

Format: dark

The default GUI is light mode. Use these commands and see which is your preferred GUI!


Above is the execution result of the input dark.

Viewing help : help

In case you need help navigating HospiSearch, you can use this feature which lists out all the commands available, along with a brief description.

Format: help


Above is the view of help window after the input help.

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Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app on the other computer and overwrite all files in the data directory it creates with the files from your previous HospiSearch data directory.

Q: Where is my HospiSearch data directory?
A: The data directory is created in the same folder your HospiSearch Jar file is opened in.

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Command summary

Action Format, Examples
e.g. add i/T0012345A n/John Doe dob/20/12/2000 p/98765432 a/John street, block 123, #01-01 d/NKDA g/male ad/Alex t/Diabetic m/Lantus
e.g. edit 1 p/91234567 e/
View view i/NRIC
e.g. find i/S1234567H
Delete delete i/NRIC…​
e.g. delete i/T0012345A
Find find attribute/KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g. find a/Alex
e.g. find t/diabetic
List list
Backup backup INDEX_NO [b/Description]
e.g. backup 3 b/Day shift
Load load INDEX_NO
e.g. load 3
View backups viewbackups
Delete backups deletebackup INDEX_NO
e.g. deletebackup 3
Clear all clear
Undo undo
Redo redo
Light light
Dark dark
Help help

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Below is a glossary table for all the technical terms defined in this user guide.

Term Definition
Command An instruction for HospiSearch to perform (See Command Summary)
Command Line Interface (CLI) A type of user interface that allows users to interact with a computer system by entering text-based commands.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) A type of user interface that uses graphics and visual indicators such as icons, buttons, and menus to enable users to interact with a computer system.
Field Details that are attributed to each patient. For example, Name, NRIC, and Date of Birth are all patient fields.
Prefix A short form that is attributed to each field when inputing patient data. For example, the field ‘Name’ has the prefix \n.

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